Trend Percentage

Trend Percentage:

Definition and Explanation:

Horizontal analysis of  financial statements can also be carried out by computing trend percentages. Trend percentage states several years’ financial data in terms of a base year. The base year equals 100%, with all other years stated in some percentage of this base.


Consider McDonald’s Corporation, the largest global food service retailer, with more than 26,000 restaurants worldwide. McDonalds enjoyed tremendous growth during the 1990s, as evidenced by the following data:

2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990
Sales(millions) $14,243 $13,259 $12,421 $11,409 $10687 $9,795 $8,321 $7,408 $7,133 $6,695 $6,640
Income(millions) $1,977 $1,948 $1,550 $1,642 $1,573 $1,427 $1,224 $1,083 $959 $860 $802

By simply looking at these data, one can see that sales increased every year. But how rapidly sales have been increasing, and have the increases in net income kept pace with the increase in sales? It is difficult to answer these questions by looking at the raw data alone. The increases in sales and the increases in net income can be put into better perspective by stating them in terms of trend percentages, with 1990 as the base year. These percentages (all rounded) appear as follows:

2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 Other Related Accounting Articles:

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