Accounting Definitions

Accounting definitions are defined by different authors in different ways. Accounting definitions are easy to understand and in easy language. Accounting definitions provides proper guideline & process in the preparation of different accounts of any thing.

Types of Debentures

There are a number of different types of debentures depending upon their tenure, their convertibility, their security and their transferability. The classification of the debentures can be done as redeemable, irredeemable, perpetual, convertible, non-convertible, fully and partly secured, naked, first or second mortgage, fixed

Patent Agent

A patent agent is an individual that is a professional and is licensed by US patents and trademark office to present his opinions regarding the applied patents and help the inventors by assisting them in the process of applying for patents and filing the

Plant Patent

Plant Patent is a kind of intellectual property right that is used to protect the unique and intelligent characteristics of a production plant from being copied. This kind of patent also prevents the reuse, theft, sale and reproduction of the unique characteristics of plant.

Execution Only

Execution only is a kind of trading service that is restricted to the execution of trades only. In this type of trading service client don’t receive any information regarding the merit, suitability and profitability of the trade that is being executed. This kind of

Relevant Cost

Relevant cost can be defined as a managerial accounting term that is used to describe and explain the costs that are related to the management decisions. The man objective behind the concept of the relevant cost is that management requires data and information to
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